Cosmic Eclipse Booster Box - POKÉMON TCG Sun and Moon
POKÉMON TCG Cosmic Eclipse Booster
A Supreme Connection of Stars and Pokémon!
At the apex of the Sun & Moon Series, the Pokémon TCG: Sun & Moon—Cosmic Eclipse expansion boosts the connection of Pokémon and Trainers, and it launches TAG TEAM combinations to new levels! Jump into battle with Charizard & Braixen-GX, Venusaur & Snivy-GX, Blastoise & Piplup-GX, and Solgaleo & Lunala-GX, along with the triple TAG TEAM of Arceus & Dialga & Palkia-GX, plus many more! Feel the stellar power of Pokémon with the Sun & Moon—Cosmic Eclipse expansion!
- Over 230 cards
- 9 brand-new TAG TEAM Pokémon-GX
- 7 more Pokémon-GX
- The first appearance of TAG TEAM Supporter cards
- More than 20 Trainer cards and a new Special Energy card
10 cards per booster
36 boosters per display